How To Approach Difficulties With Scripture – The Memorial of St. Jerome

Todays reflection comes from “Letters From Home” series at the St. Paul Center The St. Paul Center’s daily scripture reflections from the Mass for the Memorial of St. Jerome by Mr. Clement Harrold. Jerome, Priest, Doctor Obligatory Memorial First Reading: Zechariah 2: 5-9, 14-15aResponsorial Psalm: Jeremiah … Continue readingHow To Approach Difficulties With Scripture – The Memorial of St. Jerome


Please join us for Stations of the Cross on Wednesday’s and Friday’s during Lent in the Church. FRIDAYS STARTING 02/24/23 6:15 am and 6:00 pm (NO STATIONS OF THE CROSS ON FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH AT 6:00 PM) WEDNESDAY STARTING 03/01/23 12:00 PM