Ministries at St. Genevieves Church
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. To one is given through the Spirit the expression of wisdom; to another the expression of knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit; to another mighty deeds; to another prophecy; to another discernment of spirits; to another varieties of tongues; to another interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes”. (1 Cor 12:4-11)
Any man interested in the priesthood, and wanting to learn more about this holy vocation please call MARGARITA HAYES at (575) 523-7577
- ALTAR SERVER: This ministry is appropriate for children, teen-agers and adults. Your duties as an altar server will include several things: assisting the priest during Mass, carrying the Cross, handling the incense, lighting candles, and passing the book used for Mass. Your assistance helps the service flow smoothly.Contact: Eli Guzman at 575-644-9083
- ANGEL GABRIEL MINISTRY: This is a group of Pro-Life people who are actively helping pregnant women in crisis.Contact: Parish Office at 575-524-9649
- ART & ENVIRONMENT: This ministry involves people with artistic talents. You will decorate the church according to liturgical seasons, and prepare the worship space for our celebrations.
- Contact: Amelia Angel at 575-405-3454.
- CCD: Every Saturday during the school year, you will teach the Catechism of the Catholic Church to children. In doing so, you will prepare them for their sacraments, introduce them to our faith, and reveal the love God has for each of them. Contact: Cuca Medina at 575-524-0970
- CEMETERY COMMITTEE: You will help beautify and maintain our cemeteries.Contact: Louis A. Román at 575-524-9649
- CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY: You will teach high school age youth the Catechism of the Catholic Church and help prepare them to become witnesses of the faith. Chaperons are needed too. Contact: Pat Guerra at 575-649-0667
- EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: This is a ministry for young adults and adults who will assist during distribution of Communion at Mass. You will act as the humble servant of the people – a steward- bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to all. Contact: Veronica Garcia at 575-642-0215
- FIESTA COMMITTEE: You will help to build community through our annual fundraiser and fiesta. Your input is needed to make the fiesta successful and better every year. Contact: Julia Holguin at 575-523-5729
- GREETER: Before Mass starts, your smile and warm welcome will be your only duty to make everyone feel at home. Contact the parish office.
- HISTORICAL SOCIETY: This ministry is for people who enjoy and appreciate history, writing and organizing documents and photos in order to preserve and share our great treasure, our history. Contact Rosemary Leyva at 575-524-9649.
- HOSPITAL: “I was sick and you visited me” (Mt 25:36). The Church has always recommended that the faithful undertake corporal works of mercy, especially that of visiting the sick. Eucharistic Ministers are needed to visit and take Communion to patients at our local hospitals. Contact the parish office.
- JAIL & PRISON MINISTRY: “I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:36). The Church also encourages us to follow and imitate Our Lord who showed so much compassion for those who suffer. Eucharistic Ministers are needed to visit and take Communion at the Detention Center.Contact the Diocese at 575-523-7577.
- LEAGUE OF THE SACRED HEART: This is a spiritual association whose main purpose is to promote the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You will attend Mass and Holy Hour every First Friday of the month, and volunteer in the kitchen during our annual “Enchilada Fundraiser”. Contact Julia Holguin 575-524-9649
- LECTOR: This ministry is for those who understand the importance of the Word of God, and want to share their talents to proclaim a passage of the Scripture at Mass. Your responsibilities may also include reading the Sunday announcements to invite our community to participate in a variety of events. Contact Veronica Garcia at 575-524-9649. The current schedule is available at, use 5755249649 for the password.
- LITURGY MINISTRY: This ministry is for those who want to organize spiritual events for the community, such as novenas, missions, rosaries, processions, “posadas”, etc. Your goal is to make several options available for everybody to grow in the spiritual life. Contact Victoria Gonzalez at 575-621-5598.
- MARRIAGE PREPARATION: This ministry is for married couples who want to help engaged couples prepare for a solid marriage in the Catholic Church. Your experience in the married life and your time to help complete the forms are needed and appreciated. Contact Terri Villa at 575-524-9649.
- MUSIC MINISTRY: This ministry is for those who have musical talents or know how to sing. You will lead the music for Mass in one of our choirs. Contact parish office for list of choirs.
- RCIA: People who want to teach the Catholic Faith are needed. Solid Christian education is required. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the process of faith formation for unbaptized adults and unbaptized children of catechetical age who wish to become members of the Catholic Church.Contact Lucy Leyva at 575-888-5578.
- SACRISTAN: Young adults and adults of generous hearts are needed to prepare the sacred vessels before Mass, and return the church to its original order after dismissal. Sacristans are needed for Sunday Mass, weddings and funerals. Contact the parish office.
- ST. VINCENT de PAUL: “for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Mt 25:35). New members are needed to help at the Parish Hall every Thursday to show our love for Jesus through the poor. Contact Josephine Bernal at 575-680-5287
- USHER: People who want to be helpful during Mass are needed to help the service run smoothly by seating parishioners and passing the basket for collection at Sunday Mass. Contact the parish office.