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Pictures for the current space that can be made into a prayer garden.

There are two statues available right now and a KofC unborn baby memorial cross that can be used.
What are your thoughts on what can be added to this prayer garden to make it useful to parishioners? Add your comments at the end of this description.
I was at Holy Cross church and noticed they had a nice reflection area off their offices. Their pergola structure added some good shading for that area.

We also need pictures of the statues and crosses we are thinking about.

Jaime will be bringing sketches of the grounds to help determine where we would position each statue and cross.
I like the idea of a prayer garden, but it would be nice to have a bench to sit and reflect upon.
If the walls were a little higher, it might add to the privacy during prayer.
I think before worrying about a prayer garden, people should try to create a better atmosphere of prayer inside the church before and after the mass. The noise before and after every mass is too much and it’s really sad. In the past, I have expressed how it is too noisy for us to pray in peace, and I have been ignored. Please set your priorities straight and decrease the noise in the church first.
I would like to know a little more about the specifics of the prayer garden before making comments . Like where would it be situated ? How big will it be ? Who will maintain its beauty ? Thanks !
Hello Bernadette,
The area that will be utilized for the prayer garden is on the north side of the church. The area is roughly 40′ X 40′ and is already enclosed. It will be maintained by the staff. We look forward to hearing your suggestions.
Okay so based upon the pictures I’d like to think that ALOT of us can/will come together to maintain the garden. It would be so much release for us because of all the maintenance to get it started will be so worth it. A helping hand from the jump will keep our church super uniquely tied together. I DO AGREE WITH THE OTHER STATEMENTS AS WELL WITH SOMEONE SAYING FOR US TO WORK ON PRAYER INSIDE FIRST, BASICALLY GETTING TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER CLOSELY BEFORE HEADING OUT TO PRAY IN THE GARDEN . W
I like the idea of a pergola. Shade is so important in Las Cruces especially in the summer. Benches under the pergola would be nice. Thank you for idea to provide additional places to pray. Wonderful idea!