Corpus Christi Novena

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Dear Fathers, Deacons and Parish Staff:

As you very well know, Sunday June 19 inaugurates National Eucharistic Revival throughout
dioceses of the United States. The Corpus Christi outdoor processions provide us with a
wonderful opportunity to launch the Eucharistic Revival at the parish level throughout the
diocese, as together we strive to bring people to a living experience of the risen Jesus Christ in
their lives.

The Eucharistic Revival that we shall experience over the coming three years aims not only at
rekindling a personal relationship with Christ through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and
prayer, but perhaps even more so, provides an occasion to raise an awareness of the profound
experience of the “Mystery” (Dios está aqui!) of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church, the
answer to everything that our hearts could possibly yearn for.

It is precisely this experience of the event of the resurrection of Christ with us amidst all our
struggles, brokenness, joys and sorrows, etc… In this way I would encourage you to continue to
invite the Holy Spirit whom we have been invoking throughout the experience of the past
months during the process of the ‘Synod on Synodality’ to guide you in finding ways to lead
your faithful through the experience of the Eucharistic Revival, starting on the Solemnity of
Corpus Christi.

Furthermore, this event also presents us with an opportunity of togetherness to which Pope
Francis invited us last October as he convoked the Synodal process; for us to walk together, to
listen to and collaborate with one another. I invite you to involve your parish secretaries,
deacons, youth, and catechetical teams and children of catechetical age to collaborate in this
important event and to walk together the Eucharistic Revival journey.

I hope that the attached (both in English and in Spanish) will prove helpful to you, while I thank
you for your time and consideration.

Jesus Manuel Rendon
Office of Evangelization and Parish Life.

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